Social Worker


Julia is an accredited social worker, perinatal therapist, and infant sleep specialist. She believes every woman deserves to enjoy and feel supported in the postpartum period.

Julia is passionate about walking alongside women through matrescence – the process of becoming a mother. This is an exciting and special time, but it can also be a time of vulnerability, leaving mums feeling lonely, exhausted and overwhelmed.

Her goal is for you to enjoy more manageable infant sleep, and positive mental health. In addition to working with new mums, Julia enjoys helping pregnant women to plan ahead for their new arrival.

She collates her knowledge, skills and experience as a social worker, along with her understanding of the social and cultural aspects of motherhood to provide evidence-based support and proven strategies to guide your journey.

This is a mainstream sleep training free zone! You can expect to learn to tune into your baby and yourself, and feel confident that you don't need to compromise your own, or your baby's mental health, to experience more enjoyable days and nights.

Julia is herself a single mum to her young daughter, and has lived through the challenges mums face, giving her an insight into how difficult this period can be and what support should look like.


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