Accredited Practicing Dietitian


Tanya is an Accredited Practicing Dietitian with over 15 years of extensive experience in clinical and public health nutrition across diverse cultural landscapes, including the United Arab Emirates, South Africa, and the United Kingdom. Tanya has also worked on a policy and advocacy level with esteemed organisations such as UNICEF and the World Health Organisation to improve nutrition and health outcomes for women and children at a country level. She holds a BSc Degree in Nutrition and Dietetics and a Master of Public Health degree.

Tanya is deeply passionate about supporting women's, infant's and young children’s nutrition as early life nutrition impacts not only mum and bub, but also future generations. She believes in empowering her clients through a combination of practical experience and evidence-based-practice, and by helping them reduce all the “nutrition noise” which in the world of social media is creating a lot of unnecessary anxiety for women and parents. She provides practical and sustainable advice, unique to the individual’s situation. As a mum of two who has experienced fertility issues, food allergies during breastfeeding and significant fussy eating, she understands first hand how challenging it can be to try and nourish yourself, your family and potential underlying issues. 

Tanya has many years of experience supporting clients across a wide range of nutrition conditions, but her main focus areas are: 

  • Fertility nutrition
  • Optimising pregnancy (including nutrition for multiples) and postpartum nutrition 
  • Breastfeeding nutrition
  • Nutrition support for general pregnancy issues (heartburn, constipation, nausea, pre-eclampsia, weight concerns, concerns about food safety/restricted foods)
  • Supporting infants and young children with colic, eczema, reflux and other digestive issues that relate to food intolerances and food allergies (identifying triggers through guided elimination and food-challenge diets and ensuring adequacy of nutrients if foods are removed)
  • Supporting parents with the introduction of solids to help grow confident little eaters
  • Infant and toddler nutrition including common issues such as identifying the correct infant formula for non-breastfed babies, fussy eating, iron-deficiency and constipation.  
  • Growth monitoring and support for children experiencing challenges with their weight 
  • Supporting women with chronic conditions such as IBS, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, PCOS etc. 

Consultations include a detailed medical, social and dietary history, nutrition focussed clinical review, dietary analysis to identify nutrient gaps, setting goals and an individualised nutrition plan

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