Women's Health Physiotherapist

Claire has worked extensively within the private practice physiotherapy sector, with over eight years clinical experience in musculoskeletal and pelvic health physiotherapy. She has post-graduate qualifications in Women’s Health Physiotherapy, completing her Masters of Clinical Physiotherapy from Curtin University and Professional Certificate in Conservative Management of Pelvic Organ Prolapse through the University of South Australia.
Claire's special area of interest includes pelvic organ prolapse assessment and management and the fitting of vaginal support pessaries. She particularly likes to help women in the postnatal period who are experiencing prolapse symptoms and struggling to return back to activity and exercise. She also likes to treat women following menopause who are experiencing the onset or worsening of pelvic floor symptoms, including prolapse, incontinence and urinary urgency/frequency.
Claire has a lot of experience in obstetric physiotherapy, both antenatal and postnatal. This includes conditions such as pregnancy related pelvic girdle pain, abdominal separation, perineal trauma and mastitis. She enjoys helping people throughout their pregnancy journey, and then getting to see them postpartum, into their fourth trimester.
Claire's other area of expertise is managing pelvic floor symptoms in the weightlifting and crossfit population. She has a in depth understanding of lifting techniques and the demands this places on your pelvic floor and is able to keep people moving and lifting despite pelvic floor symptoms. She enjoys guiding women back into these types of exercises and tweaking their programs so they can continue to remain as active as possible whilst maintaining their pelvic floor health.