

Melissa Baunton completed her Bachelor of Psychology at Murdoch University in 2006. She is a registered psychologist with over 10 years’ experience working with individuals and couples and is committed to providing a safe and supportive space for all her clients; walking alongside them through whatever challenges they may be facing. She has practiced in both the private and public sector where the majority of her work has been focused on significant life events and the impact of these on mental and emotional wellbeing and the individuals’ capacity to cope.

Melissa was drawn to working in the perinatal space following her own challenges with conception and the impact that this had on her adjustment to parenting following the birth of her son. As such she is incredibly passionate about helping to normalise the variety of emotional responses and reactions that can be experienced during conception, pregnancy, birth and beyond and to help others navigate these experiences with self-compassion, insight and confidence in their abilities as a parent.

In addition to her work at Western Obstetrics, Melissa is a member of the Australian and New Zealand Infertility Counsellors’ Association (ANZICA) and the senior counsellor at Fertility Specialists of Western Australia providing psychological support to individuals and couples undergoing fertility treatment including those exploring alternative pathways to parenthood through donor conception.

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