Studies show that routine touch and massage foster enhanced physiological, cognitive, emotional, and social development.

Massaging your baby is more than just a soothing touch; it's a profound way to nurture a lifelong relationship and create a special bonding experience with your little one. At Mums and Bubs Clinic, we understand the significance of this connection and offer Baby Massage services to enhance the well-being of both parents and babies.

Benefits of Baby Massage

Massaging your baby comes with a myriad of benefits, promoting relaxation for both baby and parent. From increased circulation to reduced anxiety, improved sleep, and enhanced motor and brain development, the advantages are plentiful. Baby massage also fosters bonding hormones and boosts the immune system, creating a positive impact on your little one's overall health.

Meet our caring expert:

Holly Jones is our dedicated Midwife who is passionate about supporting families through their pregnancy, birth, and parenting journey. Holly specialises in teaching parents the art of newborn and infant massage. She understands that each baby is unique, and her expertise ensures that your experience is tailored to your family's needs.

Our Sessions

Our Baby Massage classes are designed to cater to the diverse needs of parents and babies. Whether your baby is dealing with colic, is premature, has low weight gains, or has a medical condition or disability, our sessions provide the support you both deserve.

Our Expert Baby Massage Consultant

Get to know more about our amazing Baby Massage specialist, Holly Jones.

Endorsed Midwife | RN
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