At Mums and Bubs Clinic, we feel it's vital that everyone has access to psychological support as needed to ensure the best outcome for them as parents and for their children.

Welcoming a new member into your family is an incredible journey that brings both excitement and challenges. We understand that this special time, from conception to the first year after birth, can be a bit overwhelming for individuals and couples alike. It's normal to experience a range of emotions like anxiety, depression, stress, or sadness during this perinatal period.

At our Mums and Bubs Clinic, we're here to support you every step of the way. Our dedicated team of professionals understands the unique mental and emotional needs of new parents. We have two amazing practitioners who can guide you through the ups and downs, providing assistance before and after your baby arrives.

Meet our caring experts:

  • Melissa Baunton: Psychologist
  • Julia D'Orazio: Accredited Social Worker, Perinatal Therapist, and Infant Sleep Specialist

Remember, you don't have to face these challenges alone. Seeking help is a brave and important step towards managing and overcoming the difficulties you may be facing. To schedule an appointment with Melissa or Julia, simply click the "Book Appointment" button above or give us a call at 9328 0501. We're here to support you on your journey to better perinatal mental health.

Our Mental Health Team

Our experienced mental health team can help with a range of perinatal and postnatal mental health issues, and also each have their own areas of expertise.

Social Worker
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